Sunday, September 16, 2007

TNA Bound for Glory (14/10/2007)

TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs. Sting

TNA X Division Championship: Jay Lethal (c) vs. Christopher Daniels

TNA World Tag Team Championship: Team Pacman (Pacman Jones and Ron Killings) (c) vs. Christian's Coalition (A.J. Styles and Tomko)

Tables Match: Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott)

Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe (w/Matt Morgan as Special Enforcer)

15 Man "Fight for the Right" Battle Royal (Winner receives a future shot for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship)

10 Girl Gauntlet match for the TNA Women's World Championship: Christy Hemme vs. Gail Kim vs. Ms. Brooks vs. Jackie Moore vs. Roxy Laveaux vs. Shelly Martinez vs. O.D.B. vs. Angel Williams vs. Talia Madison vs. Amazing Kong

Ultimate X match: The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) vs. Triple X (Senshi and Elix Skipper)

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